Cosmetic enhancement of Areola:
After Mastectomy surgery that has resulted in loss of the nipple/areola complex, women may choose to have reconstructive surgery to rebuild the shape and fullness of a breast.
As part of this reconstruction, tissue is usually transplanted from elsewhere on the body and used to replace tissue lost due to the mastectomy procedure. The result of this usually leaves the patient without any feature resembling a nipple or areola unless nipple reconstructive surgery has been used.
This is where skilled application of pigments can provide a more acceptable aesthetic outcome for the patient, resembling a 3 D texture look of the Areola. Various pigment colours are used to give either a brown or pink looking Areola. Various techniques can be used depending on the desired outcome. One's skin will only accept between 40 to 70 percent of the pigment . In the first eight to ten days the colour is very intense until the residual colour peels away leaving a more natural colour. Two applications are required within three months for best results